
When is an orthodontics treatment necessary?

Orthodontics have been very popular for a few years and many teenagers wear braces to correct their bite or change the position of their teeth are very common.

This often results in associated orthodontics with teens, so you are surprised to learn that 7-year-olds already have early orthodontic treatment as orthodontic treatment is now increasingly diagnosed and is very useful for children’s dental health in the future.

If treatment with orthodontics is recommended

It is usually because of the problem when orthodontic treatment is necessary, which will deteriorate significantly if not resolved in the future. This includes problems such as bumps and bumps that may lead to painful malocclusions (malalignment), joint and jaw pains and chewing problems.

Orthodontic therapy is also recommended if the teeth are positioned to worsen the recession of the gums.

Differences also exist between boys and girls. Many girls begin this treatment when they are 13 or 14, because they are more self-conscious and middle-teens adapting to braces than they did later when they are 15 or 16 years of age.

If orthodontics are optional

In general, if you have a functional dick, the orthodontic treatment is an option, but it improves the aesthetics of your teeth and makes it smoother or evener. Of course, straighter teeth have advantages such as greater trust and a better self-image. If you are Straight and thus less likely to develop cavities, it can also be easier to keep your teeth clean. It is still important to understand, however, that orthodontic therapy is optional and not essential in these circumstances.

Aesthetics can be done over the years, not necessarily during teenage life and orthodontic treatments.

Early diagnosis and treatment are the best

Orthodontics are trained to detect problems early so that therapy can be performed before braces or operation are required. You can consult with your orthodontists and see if your treatment is most suited in each case at Políclinicas Dental Idiáquez, in San Sebastián. In general, a good diagnosis should be made as soon as possible, since early treatment generally simplifies the whole process, makes it even cheaper and helps to achieve better results.

As we age, the jawbone ceases to grow and hardens so that orthodontic therapy becomes a bit harder while still possible and the expected results are not achieved sometimes.

When treatment starts at a young age of eight and nine, the jaw-bone growth can be guided and the position and width of the bones of the jaw modified. This is not unfortunately possible for adults and alternatives may require surgery or the removal of many teeth to correct the bite.

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