Travel to Japan

How to Plan a Trip to Japan on Your Own

how to plan a trip to japan on your own

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first trip to Japan, there are some basic tips to keep in mind to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable journey. Read on to learn about planning your own trip to Japan, from choosing the right airports to choosing where to stay.


Having a trip to Japan can be very exciting but if you are planning to travel on your own, you might have some questions. Getting around Japan can be difficult and the language barrier is pretty daunting. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to help you navigate through the country.

The first is to learn the local language. If you can speak Japanese, that’s great. However, it’s a good idea to have Google Translate available. If not, it’s best to ask the locals.

Second, find a tour guide. You can use GoWithGuide to find a tour guide. This is like a marketplace where you can find guides who are willing to create a tour for you. You can then communicate directly with the guide. You can ask questions about the tour and they will create your own tour. This is a great way to learn about Japan and experience a tour that’s personalized to you.


Whether you’re planning your own trip to Kyoto or traveling as part of a guided tour, there are some things you’ll want to know before you leave. These tips will help you plan your trip, and will help you get the most out of your visit. Whether you’re looking for temples or shrines, Kyoto has a lot to offer. You’ll have a great time seeing it all.

In addition to temples, you’ll want to visit the Nishiki Market. The market is located in the downtown area of Kyoto. You can find a variety of unusual Japanese foods and souvenirs at the market. You can also enjoy a Kaiseki dinner, which is made with local fresh ingredients.


Whether you are looking to explore Japan on a budget or want to maximize your time, there are ways to make the most of your trip. Aside from spending time in a city, you can also visit lesser known areas that can offer a deeper insight into Japanese culture. You can also choose to go with a group tour to minimize your time and hassles.

You will want to take advantage of the city’s public transportation system. Although renting a car is not a bad idea, it is not as convenient or affordable as taking the train.


Whether you’re planning a trip to Hokkaido on your own or with a friend, there are plenty of things to do in this northern part of Japan. You’ll find a vast landscape, a unique culture, and plenty of delicious foods. Hokkaido’s snow and ice festivals are a must-see. But the island has more than just winter events. Here are a few things to do in Hokkaido in the summer, too.

The Asahikawa Zoo is a great place to visit. The zoo has a variety of animals, including endangered species. Also, you can visit an open-air Ainu village to learn more about the native people.

Avoid crowded subways

Using the Tokyo subway system can be overwhelming for a first time visitor. However, with a little planning, you can avoid the usual hordes. Here are twelve tips to make your subway ride a breeze.

The Tokyo subway system is a wonder of modern engineering. The system is bi-lingual and includes signboards that post fares and directions to stations. It’s also clean and efficient. There’s even free Wi-Fi at select stations.

While the Tokyo subway system may not be for everyone, it’s the best way to get around the city. You can purchase a one-day JR pass that’s good for unlimited travel throughout Tokyo’s 23 wards. If you don’t have a JR pass, the best thing to do is get one before you arrive.

Visit an onsen

Whether you are traveling to Japan by yourself or with friends and family, it’s a good idea to visit an onsen while in the country. Onsen hot springs are known for their healing properties. They are located in scenic areas and are perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Onsens are hot springs naturally formed by volcanic activity. They are considered the healthiest type of hot springs available in Japan. In the past, they were used for religious rituals, healing baths, and for daily bathing. These days, onsens are mostly used for relaxation.

Explore off the beaten path

Whether you’re looking to relax on a pristine beach, get away from the city for some quiet time, or escape into the history and nature of the countryside, there are plenty of off-the-beaten-path Japan experiences to fit your needs.

If you’re looking for an escape into nature, the Shiretoko National Park is a must. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to pristine wilderness and wonderful wildlife viewing opportunities.

If you’re looking for a cultural escape, check out the Shojoshin-in Monastery. This is one of the many Mount Koya monasteries. The Shojoshin-in is home to monks, vegetarian food, and morning prayers. You can also learn about traditional Japanese culture at this place.